
Publication of proceedings online (SPF)

The publication of the proceedings of the WBRG meeting will be done under the coordination of the prestigious French Prehistoric Society (SPF). They regularly ensure the distribution of International symposia proceedings within the framework of the "Séances de la Société préhistorique française / Sessions of the French Prehistoric Society". The SPF labelled publications internationally indexed


Above its scientific label, the SPF also offer a publication framework that is both ethical and of high scientific rigour and publications project are submitted for validation to the scientific committee, high-quality publication backed by a peer review committee, free online access, with no embargo.

The SPF publishes in average 2 volumes per year: 

  • Articles must be original to be published.
  • Publication is prompt: maximum delay between the submission of the reviewed manuscript and its online publication is 12 months.

Once published, the complete volume of the meeting is fully downloadable either as a volume or individually contribution by contribution (see see, for example, this volume on bone fracturing: https://www.prehistoire.org/515_p_53043/acces-libre-sEance-13-a-coup-d-eclats-la-fracturation-des-matieres-osseuses-en-prehistoire-discussion-autour-d-une-modalite-d-exploitation-en-apparence-simple-et-pourtant-mal-connue.html



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