
Registration Fees

Registration for the meeting and the peniche event, follow this link:


Please read below before registering (important information for organasation)

 1. Information - Meeting registration 

Registration for the meeting is compulsory for all participants (speakers and listeners), in order to manage the maximum capacity of the auditorium. Registration fees apply only to face-to-face sessions.

To enable as many people as possible to take part in this scientific meeting, different registration procedures have been defined.

  • Audience: free ; it allows only to attend the sientific sessions; no lunch or extras possible with this registration (but compulsory registration).
  • Speakers 1 - Students, post-docs without grant, unemployed: free of charge. Registration includes: bag, badge, paper program, morning and afternoon coffee breaks, lunch (prior registration is required), Monday evening reception, access to Wednesday's exhibition/museum visits (registration required).
  • Speakers 2 - Funded Post-docs: 30 euros ; this registration includes the same services as above.
  • Speakers 3 - Institutional researchers: 50 euros ; this registration includes the same services as above.

2. Information - Registration for the peniche evening on the Seine River

Registration required (places limited to 100)

  • Speakers 1 and 2 (students, post-docs, unemployed) : 10 euros
  • Speakers 3 (Institutional researchers) : 25 euros
  • Audience: 40 euros 

3. Payment

Online payment by credit card will be possible from 1st October 2023 and must be made when you register (no registration possible after 31 January 2024). Once you have completed the registration form, depending on your status and the extras you have selected, a payment button will appear on the page. You will then be redirected to the Paybox platform (the service provider we use to manage online payments). Once the payment has been made, you will receive a payment receipt by e-mail from Paybox and you will receive an automatic e-mail from this site to let you know that your registration has been completed.

No request for a refund of registration fees can be considered after 1st March 2024.

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